l The finding of reactivation of structural p53 mutants by Arsenic Trioxide was previewed by Cancer Cell.
l The finding of reactivation of structural p53 mutants by Arsenic Trioxide was highlighted by Nature Reviews Cancer, Science Signaling, and others.
l Mutant p53 rescue compound is scheduled for clinical trials in National Translational
Center of China, which is reported by Science.
l A basket trial of arsenic trioxide in treating p53-mutated tumors was initialized by Jun
Zhang, the director of oncology department, and Min Lu in Ruijin Hospital (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT04869475).
l Min Lu was invited and gave an oral talk on the 17th p53 international workshop.
l Min Lu was invited and gave an oral talk on the 8th p53 mutant workshop.
l Min Lu was selected as the chairman of Conference of Youth Scientists in the 18th China
Society of Experimental Hematology (CSEH), chairing the conference and giving an oral talk.
l Published "Repurposing antiparasitic antimonials to noncovalently rescue temperature-
sensitive p53 mutations" in Cell Reports in 2022.
l Published "Developmental arsenic exposure impairs cognition, directly targets DNMT3A,
and reduces DNA methylation" in EMBO Reports in 2022.
l Published "Identification of proteasome and caspase inhibitors targeting SARS-CoV-2
Mpro" in Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy in 2021.
l Published "Decitabine activates type I interferon signaling to inhibit p53-deficient myeloid
malignant cells" in Clinical and Translational Medicine in 2021.
l Published "Three optimized assays for the evaluation of compounds that can rescue p53
mutants" in STAR Protocols in 2021.
l Published "Broad-spectrum rescue compounds for structural p53 mutations: perspective on 'Arsenic trioxide rescues structural p53 mutations through a cryptic allosteric site'" title in
JMCB in 2021.
l Dinner at the 2022 New Year's Eve.
l Home-party in Meilan lake in Shanghai.
l Birthday party for Jiabing Li.
l The Lantern Festival cerebration in lab.
l Others…